Grant and Revenue Calculation

Grant and Revenue Calculation

Grants and revenue are the financial lifeblood of a player’s city. Players receive grants during level-ups and earn daily revenue based on the number of buildings and their impact on happiness.

Grant System:

  • Level-Based Grants: Upon leveling up, players receive a static amount of coins as a reward for their progress. This grant helps players invest in new buildings and infrastructure.

  • Happiness-Based Grants: Every in-game day, players receive additional coins based on their city’s happiness score. This incentivizes players to maintain a high level of happiness among their citizens.

Revenue Calculation:

  • Daily Revenue: Revenue is generated daily based on the number of buildings in the city, their respective revenue per building, and the overall happiness score. Revenue=(Number of Buildings×Revenue per Building×Happiness)\text{Revenue} = (\text{Number of Buildings} \times \text{Revenue per Building} \times \text{Happiness})Revenue=(Number of Buildings×Revenue per Building×Happiness)

  • Players must balance their investments in buildings with the need to maintain a high happiness score to maximize their daily revenue.

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