Revenue System

Revenue generation is a key aspect of city management in City Builder Expert. Players earn revenue daily, which can be used to fund new building projects, cover operational costs, and invest in city improvements.

Revenue Generation:

  • Daily Earnings: Revenue is calculated based on the number of buildings in the city, their efficiency, and the overall happiness of the citizens. Buildings that provide essential services or reduce negative factors such as pollution and crime tend to generate higher revenue.

  • Impact of Happiness: Happiness plays a significant role in revenue generation. A happier city not only attracts more citizens but also increases the efficiency of buildings, leading to higher revenue.

  • Reinvestment: Players are encouraged to reinvest their earnings into the city to continue its growth and improve citizen satisfaction.

Revenue Formula: (Number of Buildings×Revenue per Building×Happiness) This formula ensures that players must carefully balance building placement, resource management, and citizen happiness to maximize their city’s financial potential.

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