Core objectives and goals.

  • Build and Expand: Start with initial funds and a small plot of land. Build residential, commercial, and industrial zones to attract new residents and businesses.

  • Maintain Happiness: Ensure your residents are happy by providing essential services like healthcare, education, safety, and recreation. The higher the happiness index, the more your city will thrive.

  • Generate Revenue: Develop a strong economy by setting up shops, factories, and offices. Collect taxes and manage your finances to fund further expansion and upgrades.

  • Build Infrastructure: As your population grows, upgrade your buildings and services to accommodate more people and improve the quality of life in your city.

  • Focus on Sustainability: Make eco-friendly decisions, invest in green technologies, and manage resources wisely to keep your city sustainable and environmentally friendly.

  • Achieve Milestones: Set and achieve various milestones and objectives, such as reaching a certain population, maintaining high happiness levels, and ensuring financial stability. These milestones will guide your progress and provide a sense of accomplishment

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